CRP14A Automatic Creaser and Perforator

Efficient automatic creasing – perforating machine with maximum working width 13.9” and lengths of 39”. Completely eliminates fiber cracking, even on digital stocks, regardless of grain direction!

CRP12M Manual Knife Creaser 
and Micro Perforator 
The perfect office duty machine. Designed to provide the results you would find in its industrial duty counterparts it can process of to 110 Lbs. card stock and micro perforate 50 Lbs. paper. 

CRM20E Pedal Operated Knife Creaser
Improves efficiency. The CRM20E provides 2 creasing options and the ability change from one to the other in seconds. With adjustable temperature settings with the LCD display, hot laminated finished products can be creased easily and  the phenomenon of edge bursting and striping is greatly reduced. 
